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Lets talk baby teeth

Babies and toddlers are at just as much risk of dental decay as an older child or adult, so caring for your baby’s teeth needs to begin at birth. By establishing good oral hygiene habits early, your child will be well equipped to have healthy teeth for life.

Toddler taming

If your toddler resists teeth cleaning or struggles to sit still for two minutes, try these suggestions:

  • Consider a battery-powered tooth brush, which adds novelty to cleaning their teeth
  • Sing nursery rhymes or play a favourite song while you help your child brush their teeth
  • Offer a reward every time your toddler allows you to brush for two minutes
  • Encourage your child to practise teeth cleaning (under your supervision) to instill good oral hygiene habits in them from an early age. Some toddlers like to be independent so it is a good idea for them to use one toothbrush while you use another one and take turns at brushing
  • Make flossing and brushing as much fun as you can to avoid any negative association or resistance. Be sure to talk to your dentist if you need more advice


It is important to set a good example

Children tend to imitate their parents’ behaviours. If oral hygiene and looking after your teeth are important to you, they will be important to your child. Talk to your child about the importance of healthy teeth. A child who understands that teeth have to last a lifetime is more likely to take care of them.

Visit your dentist regularly to maintain your own oral health, which will in turn benefit your child.

Primary Teeth

Primary teeth help your child to learn to chew, speak properly and most importantly, these teeth reserve the space in your child’s gums for the eruption of their permanent teeth. Primary teeth start to form in your child’s jawbone before birth. A baby’s first primary tooth usually erupts at about six months of age; however, this can occur as early as birth or as late as your child’s first birthday.

The average child has a full set of 20 primary teeth by the age of two to three years. Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be within six months of the eruption of their first tooth, or by their first birthday.


Diet plays an important role in the health of your child’s teeth, so developing healthy eating habits early in life will help your child form the building blocks for strong and healthy adult teeth.

Dental decay rates in young children are rising, and this is related to changes in what and how some children eat. Fewer children are drinking fluoridated tap water, and more children are consuming sugary, processed foods and drinks.

Good oral hygiene begins at birth, so make your child’s smile count.

Oral Health & Pregnancy

Maintaining good oral health during pregnancy might be the last thing on your mind as you deal with food cravings and morning sickness. However, it’s important to look after your teeth and the ADA has developed a fact sheet with tips and advice to help you maintain good oral health during your pregnancy.

You are the most influential role model in the development of your child’s good oral health behaviours. Maintaining your own good oral health reduces the risk of tooth decay in your child.

Visiting the dentist

If you’re planning on becoming pregnant it’s important to visit your dentist and have a check-up. Routine dental treatment is safe during pregnancy.

If you are already pregnant, don’t avoid visiting the dentist. It’s important to check that your teeth and gums are healthy. Ensure you advise your dentist that you are pregnant when scheduling your appointment. Your dentist may recommend a dental check-up during your second trimester. That’s because morning sickness has usually subsided in most women.

This post was taken from: http://www.babyteeth.com.au/index.html

Have any concerns about baby teeth?  Come and see us at Lasting Impressions Dental and see one of our highly experienced and trained dentists. ph: 6249 8383

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